Monday, September 28, 2009

Sorry, way too long!

Oops, sorry about the long delay. Let's catch up. First, tomorrow, Tuesday, September 29th is Tom's last chemo. The side effects have increased, a lot, and he has been frankly pretty miserable most of the time since about August. So, even though it's his last treatment, he's really dreading how it's going to make him feel. Late October, Tom will have a PET scan and MRI that will reveal how successful the chemo has been. Our beloved Dr. Weinstein remains very optimistic that the results will be good. So keep all those prayers and good thoughts coming.

When last we spoke, Tom was about to take the "Cambellini" to the Concourse. He was awarded first place in his class. More important, the positive feedback and attention he received, revived his desire to pursue his dream as an automobile designer and kit car manufacturer. He has lacked the energy to do much in the shop, but the house is full of little sketches and lists. The car is based on the Mazda Miata sports car chassis and power train and the style is inspired by the sports cars of the 1930's.

We'll try to keep up with the postings.


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