Thursday, November 26, 2009


Just before dawn on Sunday, November 22, about 20 family members and friends surrounded Tom Campbell, telling stories and toasting him as he left this life. Thomas Joseph Campbell was born in Fort Monroe, Virginia on September 9, 1953. As part of a military family, he lived all over the U.S. and in France. After high school in Hawaii, he came to Oregon to attend Oregon State and essentially never left.

Tom died due to complications of his battle with colon cancer. He is survived by his wife Jan and sons Cooper and Rory. He was a design engineer with a passion for automotive design. Because he wanted to live in Portland, he was not able to pursue automotive design as a career; while working for other companies, his goal was to have his own business designing and building automobiles. In fall 2009, he and Jan formed Campbell Coachworks with that goal in mind. Tom spent 20 years designing and building from the ground up the Cambellini, a retro sports car inspired by European sports cars of the 1960s. In summer 2009, he brought the Cambellini to the Concours d’Elegance in Forest Grove where it took first place in its division.

Tom passed with his ugly old tea mug in one hand and a cup of beer in the other. Jan had to pry the beer from his hand. Tom to the end. He took with him to his next destination the tools and loves of his life: his mechanical pencil, calculator, bifocals, a bottle of Mercurochrome, his oldest pair of shop pants, a Skyline Ridge Runner tee shirt, a “hideously ugly” (says Jan) torn and stained red plaid work shirt, his suspenders, favorite slippers, driving cap and a pin from the first show where he showed the Cambellini. Also with him were pieces of jewelry long worn by Rory, Cooper and Jan, a photo of Tom and Jan, and a photo of the Cambellini.

Tom and Jan would have celebrated 20 years of marriage on December 16. Despite his young age, Tom felt that nothing important had been left undone. Even if he was unable to see his sons become men, they are old enough for him to have seen the men that they will become and he was very proud of them.

Tom is also survived by his parents William E. and Julia Campbell of Lake Oswego, sisters Laura Clark of Portland and CrisMarie Campbell of Whitefish, Montana, his favorite aunt Bernadette Murphy of New York City, and a large community of friends and family.

A celebration of Tom’s life will be held December 5. Email for details.

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